Fundamental Christian Beliefs


This section of Knotmaking is an outline, and expanded study, of a book on the basics of Christian Theology by Wayne A. Grudem, titled:  Christian BeliefsTwenty Basics that Every Christian Should Know

The outline and additional study resources below are organized by the Chapters in Grudem’s book.

The content is mine except where I quote Scripture, Grudem, or other sources.

Chapters 1-3 is covered here:

  • Chapter 1:  What is the Bible?
  • Chapter 2:  What is God Like?
  • Chapter 3:  The Trinity

Chapter 4 on Creation is here:

Chapter 5 on Prayer is here:

Chapter 6 on Angels and Demons is here:

Chapter 7 on Man is here:

Chapter 8 on Sin is here:

Chapter 9 on Christ is here:

Chapter 10 on The Atonement is here: