The Religion Industry (TRI)

I use here the term “The Religion Industry” (TRI) as an all-encompassing term for (1) self-claimed “Christian” organizations, that (2) create their own agenda and priorities for their activities.  The members of such Religion Industry can be characterized by how it is organized, what it claims as its doctrine / foundational truths, and how it frames personal piety.  But my purpose here is to look first as what the Religion Industry claims as its mission, its purpose, its reason for being / existence.  There are, of course, many other participants in TRI; they are not our focus here.  Speaking more broadly than a christian TRI, there has been TRI since the beginning of man; as interesting as that history is, it is not our focus here either, except to note that man is not just sapient (as in homo sapien, meaning man-wise), or man the toolmaker, but at a more fundamental level man has been a creator, promoter, and sustainer of a religion industry everywhere and for all time.

The TRI mission categories and flavors considered below are not exhaustive either in scope or in detail, but are meant only to highlight the contrast with what we find in the exemplar Epistle of Philippians that we have examined here.

1  “The Great Commission”

The (One and Only) Great (Single Most Significant) Commission (Divine Charge of Duty)

And, so, nothing else (really) matters (all that much)

And, whatever can be fit into (apparently) promoting “The Great Commission” is automatically justified, much like a heated political campaign where all things become “fair game” to achieve some all-encompassing “good”

This is the driving energy behind the going forward of all the works and ‘ministries’

2  Growth

Numbers, counts, scores

Big is (inherently, and by definition) better:  “Wherever two or three thousand are gathered in My Name, …”

Change and Fame

Essence of  “News”

3  “Entertainment”

Condition of (“ment”):  “entering” a certain “tenere” (Lat. root, which means “to hold,” grab, even trap / grip),
which like a binary star pair, traps both the provider of “entertainment” and the receiver,
each locked by gripped hands, neither of which can freely let go without consequences.

Amusement(s), feeling good

The Shinny New Thing(s), endless, varied, and necessarily ever increasing  in intensity, ever pursuing new horizons / crossing new boundaries

Standard of Value:  the world, the uninterested, the immature,
under the a ends justifying warrant for whatever ‘works’

4  Success / Prosperity

Methods / tools for getting what I want (which want is claimed to be real, important “need”)

Affirmations of “goodness”

Me Feel Good (under the guise of “being open,” “welcoming,” “loving,” “inclusive,” …)

Me Feel Good about Me Feel Good

You (you all) Feel Good about Me Feel Good about Me Feel Good

How God’s ‘vending machine’ of goodies works

The ‘cures’ for suffering, and evils of life

How to get the ‘warm fuzzies’

How to avoid the ‘cool pricklies’

How to impress the world with ‘me’

5  Curing the World’s Problems

Using The Relgion Industry to advance a social-economic-polical agenda

Because, after all, any that helps “The Great Commission” must be on mission

How to impress the world with ‘us’

6  Celebrity Focus

Name Fame

Stolen Valor

Titles:  Pastor, Father, Reverend, Priest, Bishop, Apostle, Eminence, …

Clergy – Laity Categories

7  Secret Revelation(s)

“God told me that…”

There’s something new to be learned, and it happens ‘here’ by ‘me’

The ‘secret sauce’ of success, by paying the ante of pleasing God

8  Facilities Granduer / Distinctive(s)

The power of The Visible

Centralized Control

9  Ceremonial Significance

Centralized Attention

Calendar Retention

10  Money

Faith pledge

Tithing by Malachi

(Growth feeds the plate, because overhead does not scale one-to-one)

11 Membership

Command and control over who is allowed ‘to belong”

And the conditions / obligations of such membership

12 Explanations for “Evil” / Sorrow in this Life

The longing for explanation in the context of a “Good God” and ever present sorrows and evil

Tools / methods to secure protection against such evil and sorrow

13 Assurances re Death, and the Final Judgment

The longing for life’s meaning  (re the passing of others)

Traversing the unknowable Unknown

The fear of finality (for me)

The Keys to Heaven:   The modern incarnation of the ancient Egyptian  “Book of the Dead”