Bible Reading in a Year

There is nothing to compare with the regular, repeated reading of God’s Word:

“The entrance of thy words giveth light;
it giveth understanding unto the simple”
Psalm 119:130 KJV

“The Bible is the greatest of all books;
to study it is the noblest of all pursuits;
to understand it, the highest of all goals.”
Charles Caldwell Ryrie (1926 – 2016)
Preface to the original, 1978 edition of the Ryrie Study Bible.

Given below is a highly recommended reading plan originated by Robert M’Cheyne (1813 – 1843) that guides one through the entire Bible in a year but twice through the New Testament and the Book of Psalms.  This reading Plan was made well-known in the mid-20th Century by the great teacher and scholar Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones during his ministry at Westminster Chapel, London (not to be confused with Westminster CATHEDRAL, which is part of the Church of England).  Dr. Lloyd-Jones used the Plan in his own personal study and devotions and likewise encouraged all to whom he ministered.  (Many resources of the late Dr. Lloyd-Jones are available at:  There are also several resources of his on this website).

The below format of the M’Cheyne reading plan was organized by Ben and Karen Beilhartz (c) 2001, with the direct links to the website by the efforts of Ethan Beaver, and is copied from the website Hippocampus Extensions:

The blue highlighted chapters are hot links to the BibleGateway website ( leading directly to the respective reading in the Bible translation of your choosing.  By clicking the back arrow you can return to this page and select the next reading for any particular day, and so forth.

In addition to the Bible text itself there is on the BibleGateway site a side panel option available by clicking on a blue panel (on the upper right of the page with the Bible text) with the words “STUDY THIS.”  Clicking on the panel opens up five categories of helps, all tied to the text of the Bible passage on the main screen.  For example, by clicking on “Study Bibles” and scrolling down you can access a great free resource “The Reformation Study Bible.”  For  the commitment of $3.99 a month, an incredible wealth of additional resources are available and avoids the ads that otherwise populate your screen.

BibleGateway also has an “app” for smart phones and digital pads.  Certain of the translations offered on its app have an audio option.  A highly recommended version is the ESV translation read by the beautiful voice of Max McLean.  Genesis Chapter 1, for example, Mr. McLean lovingly reads the chapter is just over five minutes.  Even better is to listen to the reading as one follows along by reading the text (though not when driving).

D A I L Y  B R E A D


By the late Rev. R. M. M’CHEYNE, M. A.

January February March April May June
July August September October November December


  1. THE WHOLE BIBLE WILL BE READ THROUGH IN AN ORDERLY MANNER IN THE COURSE OF A YEAR. – The Old Testament once, the New Testament and Psalms twice. I fear many of you never read the whole Bible, and yet it is all equally divine. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect.” If we pass over some parts of Scripture we will be incomplete Christians.
  2. TIME WILL NOT BE WASTED IN CHOOSING WHAT PORTIONS TO READ. – Often believers are at a loss to determine towards which part of the mountains of spices they should bend their steps. Here the question will be solved at once in a very simple manner.
  3. THE PASTOR WILL KNOW IN WHICH PART OF THE PASTURE THE FLOCK ARE FEEDING. – He will thus be enabled to speak more suitably to them on the Sabbath: and both pastor and elders will be able to drop a word of light and comfort in visiting from house to house, which will be more readily responded to.
  4. THE SWEET BOND OF CHRISTIAN LOVE AND UNITY WILL BE STRENGTHENED. – We shall often be lead to think of those dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, who agree to join with us in reading these portions. We shall oftener be led to agree on earth, touching something we shall ask of God. We shall pray over the same promises, mourn over the same confessions, praise God in the same songs, and be nourished by the same words of eternal life.

  1. The centre column contains the day of the month. The first two columns contain the chapters to be read in the family. The two last columns contain the portions to be read in secret.
  2. The head of the family should previously read each chapter for family worship, and mark two or three of the most prominent verses, upon which he may dwell, giving a few explanatory thoughts and asking a few simple questions.
  3. Frequently the portion named in the calendar for family reading might be read more suitably in secret: in which case the head of the family should intimate that it be read in private, and the chapter for secret reading may be used in the family.
  4. The portions read, both for family and private readings, would be greatly illuminated if they were preceded by a moment’s silent prayer – “Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law.” (Ps. cxix. 18).
  5. Let the conversation at the family meals frequently turn upon the chapter read. Thus every meal will be a sacrament, being sanctified by the Word and prayer.
  6. Let our private reading precede the dawning of the day. Let God’s voice be the first we hear in the morning. Mark two or three of the richest verses, and pray over every line and word of them. Let the marks be neatly done, never so as to abuse a copy of the Bible.

January February March April May June
July August September October November December

[Links to the Bible Gateway generously added by Ethan Beaver.]

This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him.
Family . Secret
Genesis 1 Matthew 1 1st Ezra 1 Acts 1
Genesis 2 Matthew 2 2nd Ezra 2 Acts 2
Genesis 3 Matthew 3 3rd Ezra 3 Acts 3
Genesis 4 Matthew 4 4th Ezra 4 Acts 4
Genesis 5 Matthew 5 5th Ezra 5 Acts 5
Genesis 6 Matthew 6 6th Ezra 6 Acts 6
Genesis 7 Matthew 7 7th Ezra 7 Acts 7
Genesis 8 Matthew 8 8th Ezra 8 Acts 8
Genesis 9-10 Matthew 9 9th Ezra 9 Acts 9
Genesis 11 Matthew 10 10th Ezra 10 Acts 10
Genesis 12 Matthew 11 11th Nehemiah 1 Acts 11
Genesis 13 Matthew 12 12th Nehemiah 2 Acts 12
Genesis 14 Matthew 13 13th Nehemiah 3 Acts 13
Genesis 15 Matthew 14 14th Nehemiah 4 Acts 14
Genesis 16 Matthew 15 15th Nehemiah 5 Acts 15
Genesis 17 Matthew 16 16th Nehemiah 6 Acts 16
Genesis 18 Matthew 17 17th Nehemiah 7 Acts 17
Genesis 19 Matthew 18 18th Nehemiah 8 Acts 18
Genesis 20 Matthew 19 19th Nehemiah 9 Acts 19
Genesis 21 Matthew 20 20th Nehemiah 10 Acts 20
Genesis 22 Matthew 21 21st Nehemiah 11 Acts 21
Genesis 23 Matthew 22 22nd Nehemiah 12 Acts 22
Genesis 24 Matthew 23 23rd Nehemiah 13 Acts 23
Genesis 25 Matthew 24 24th Esther 1 Acts 24
Genesis 26 Matthew 25 25th Esther 2 Acts 25
Genesis 27 Matthew 26 26th Esther 3 Acts 26
Genesis 28 Matthew 27 27th Esther 4 Acts 27
Genesis 29 Matthew 28 28th Esther 5 Acts 28
Genesis 30 Mark 1 29th Esther 6 Romans 1
Genesis 31 Mark 2 30th Esther 7 Romans 2
Genesis 32 Mark 3 31st Esther 8 Romans 3

I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.
Family . Secret
Genesis 33 Mark 4 1st Esther 9-10 Romans 4
Genesis 34 Mark 5 2nd Job 1 Romans 5
Genesis 35-36 Mark 6 3rd Job 2 Romans 6
Genesis 37 Mark 7 4th Job 3 Romans 7
Genesis 38 Mark 8 5th Job 4 Romans 8
Genesis 39 Mark 9 6th Job 5 Romans 9
Genesis 40 Mark 10 7th Job 6 Romans 10
Genesis 41 Mark 11 8th Job 7 Romans 11
Genesis 42 Mark 12 9th Job 8 Romans 12
Genesis 43 Mark 13 10th Job 9 Romans 13
Genesis 44 Mark 14 11th Job 10 Romans 14
Genesis 45 Mark 15 12th Job 11 Romans 15
Genesis 46 Mark 16 13th Job 12 Romans 16
Genesis 47 Luke 1:1-38 14th Job 13 1 Corinthians 1
Genesis 48 Luke 1:39ff 15th Job 14 1 Corinthians 2
Genesis 49 Luke 2 16th Job 15 1 Corinthians 3
Genesis 50 Luke 3 17th Job 16-17 1 Corinthians 4
Exodus 1 Luke 4 18th Job 18 1 Corinthians 5
Exodus 2 Luke 5 19th Job 19 1 Corinthians 6
Exodus 3 Luke 6 20th Job 20 1 Corinthians 7
Exodus 4 Luke 7 21st Job 21 1 Corinthians 8
Exodus 5 Luke 8 22nd Job 22 1 Corinthians 9
Exodus 6 Luke 9 23rd Job 23 1 Corinthians 10
Exodus 7 Luke 10 24th Job 24 1 Corinthians 11
Exodus 8 Luke 11 25th Job 25-26 1 Corinthians 12
Exodus 9 Luke 12 26th Job 27 1 Corinthians 13
Exodus 10 Luke 13 27th Job 28 1 Corinthians 14
Exodus 11-12:21 Luke 14 28th Job 29 1 Corinthians 15

Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
Family . Secret
Exodus 12:22ff Luke 15 1st Job 30 1 Corinthians 16
Exodus 13 Luke 16 2nd Job 31 2 Corinthians 1
Exodus 14 Luke 17 3rd Job 32 2 Corinthians 2
Exodus 15 Luke 18 4th Job 33 2 Corinthians 3
Exodus 16 Luke 19 5th Job 34 2 Corinthians 4
Exodus 17 Luke 20 6th Job 35 2 Corinthians 5
Exodus 18 Luke 21 7th Job 36 2 Corinthians 6
Exodus 19 Luke 22 8th Job 37 2 Corinthians 7
Exodus 20 Luke 23 9th Job 38 2 Corinthians 8
Exodus 21 Luke 24 10th Job 39 2 Corinthians 9
Exodus 22 John 1 11th Job 40 2 Corinthians 10
Exodus 23 John 2 12th Job 41 2 Corinthians 11
Exodus 24 John 3 13th Job 42 2 Corinthians 12
Exodus 25 John 4 14th Proverbs 1 2 Corinthians 13
Exodus 26 John 5 15th Proverbs 2 Galatians 1
Exodus 27 John 6 16th Proverbs 3 Galatians 2
Exodus 28 John 7 17th Proverbs 4 Galatians 3
Exodus 29 John 8 18th Proverbs 5 Galatians 4
Exodus 30 John 9 19th Proverbs 6 Galatians 5
Exodus 31 John 10 20th Proverbs 7 Galatians 6
Exodus 32 John 11 21st Proverbs 8 Ephesians 1
Exodus 33 John 12 22nd Proverbs 9 Ephesians 2
Exodus 34 John 13 23rd Proverbs 10 Ephesians 3
Exodus 35 John 14 24th Proverbs 11 Ephesians 4
Exodus 36 John 15 25th Proverbs 12 Ephesians 5
Exodus 37 John 16 26th Proverbs 13 Ephesians 6
Exodus 38 John 17 27th Proverbs 14 Philippians 1
Exodus 39 John 18 28th Proverbs 15 Philippians 2
Exodus 40 John 19 29th Proverbs 16 Philippians 3
Leviticus 1 John 20 30th Proverbs 17 Philippians 4
Leviticus 2-3 John 21 31st Proverbs 18 Colossians 1

O send out thy light and thy truth! let them lead me.
Family . Secret
Leviticus 4 Psalms 1-2 1st Proverbs 19 Colossians 2
Leviticus 5 Psalms 3-4 2nd Proverbs 20 Colossians 3
Leviticus 6 Psalms 5-6 3rd Proverbs 21 Colossians 4
Leviticus 7 Psalms 7-8 4th Proverbs 22 1 Thessalonians 1
Leviticus 8 Psalms 9 5th Proverbs 23 1 Thessalonians 2
Leviticus 9 Psalms 10 6th Proverbs 24 1 Thessalonians 3
Leviticus 10 Psalms 11-12 7th Proverbs 25 1 Thessalonians 4
Leviticus 11-12 Psalms 13-14 8th Proverbs 26 1 Thessalonians 5
Leviticus 13 Psalms 15-16 9th Proverbs 27 2 Thessalonians 1
Leviticus 14 Psalms 17 10th Proverbs 28 2 Thessalonians 2
Leviticus 15 Psalms 18 11th Proverbs 29 2 Thessalonians 3
Leviticus 16 Psalms 19 12th Proverbs 30 1 Timothy 1
Leviticus 17 Psalms 20-21 13th Proverbs 31 1 Timothy 2
Leviticus 18 Psalms 22 14th Ecclesiastes 1 1 Timothy 3
Leviticus 19 Psalms 23-24 15th Ecclesiastes 2 1 Timothy 4
Leviticus 20 Psalms 25 16th Ecclesiastes 3 1 Timothy 5
Leviticus 21 Psalms 26-27 17th Ecclesiastes 4 1 Timothy 6
Leviticus 22 Psalms 28-29 18th Ecclesiastes 5 2 Timothy 1
Leviticus 23 Psalms 30 19th Ecclesiastes 6 2 Timothy 2
Leviticus 24 Psalms 31 20th Ecclesiastes 7 2 Timothy 3
Leviticus 25 Psalms 32 21st Ecclesiastes 8 2 Timothy 4
Leviticus 26 Psalms 33 22nd Ecclesiastes 9 Titus 1
Leviticus 27 Psalms 34 23rd Ecclesiastes 10 Titus 2
Numbers 1 Psalms 35 24th Ecclesiastes 11 Titus 3
Numbers 2 Psalms 36 25th Ecclesiastes 12 Philemon 1
Numbers 3 Psalms 37 26th Song of Songs 1 Hebrews 1
Numbers 4 Psalms 38 27th Song of Songs 2 Hebrews 2
Numbers 5 Psalms 39 28th Song of Songs 3 Hebrews 3
Numbers 6 Psalms 40-41 29th Song of Songs 4 Hebrews 4
Numbers 7 Psalms 42-43 30th Song of Songs 5 Hebrews 5

From a child thou hast known the Scriptures.
Family . Secret
Numbers 8 Psalms 44 1st Song of Songs 6 Hebrews 6
Numbers 9 Psalms 45 2nd Song of Songs 7 Hebrews 7
Numbers 10 Psalms 46-47 3rd Song of Songs 8 Hebrews 8
Numbers 11 Psalms 48 4th Isaiah 1 Hebrews 9
Numbers 12-13 Psalms 49 5th Isaiah 2 Hebrews 10
Numbers 14 Psalms 50 6th Isaiah 3-4 Hebrews 11
Numbers 15 Psalms 51 7th Isaiah 5 Hebrews 12
Numbers 16 Psalms 52-54 8th Isaiah 6 Hebrews 13
Numbers 17-18 Psalms 55 9th Isaiah 7 James 1
Numbers 19 Psalms 56-57 10th Isaiah 8-9:7 James 2
Numbers 20 Psalms 58-59 11th Isaiah 9:8-10:4 James 3
Numbers 21 Psalms 60-61 12th Isaiah 10:5ff James 4
Numbers 22 Psalms 62-63 13th Isaiah 11-12 James 5
Numbers 23 Psalms 64-65 14th Isaiah 13 1 Peter 1
Numbers 24 Psalms 66-67 15th Isaiah 14 1 Peter 2
Numbers 25 Psalms 68 16th Isaiah 15 1 Peter 3
Numbers 26 Psalms 69 17th Isaiah 16 1 Peter 4
Numbers 27 Psalms 70-71 18th Isaiah 17-18 1 Peter 5
Numbers 28 Psalms 72 19th Isaiah 19-20 2 Peter 1
Numbers 29 Psalms 73 20th Isaiah 21 2 Peter 2
Numbers 30 Psalms 74 21st Isaiah 22 2 Peter 3
Numbers 31 Psalms 75-76 22nd Isaiah 23 1 John 1
Numbers 32 Psalms 77 23rd Isaiah 24 1 John 2
Numbers 33 Psalms 78:1-37 24th Isaiah 25 1 John 3
Numbers 34 Psalms 78:38ff 25th Isaiah 26 1 John 4
Numbers 35 Psalms 79 26th Isaiah 27 1 John 5
Numbers 36 Psalms 80 27th Isaiah 28 2 John 1
Deuteronomy 1 Psalms 81-82 28th Isaiah 29 3 John 1
Deuteronomy 2 Psalms 83-84 29th Isaiah 30 Jude 1
Deuteronomy 3 Psalms 85 30th Isaiah 31 Revelation 1
Deuteronomy 4 Psalms 86-87 31st Isaiah 32 Revelation 2

Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear.
Family . Secret
Deuteronomy 5 Psalms 88 1st Isaiah 33 Revelation 3
Deuteronomy 6 Psalms 89 2nd Isaiah 34 Revelation 4
Deuteronomy 7 Psalms 90 3rd Isaiah 35 Revelation 5
Deuteronomy 8 Psalms 91 4th Isaiah 36 Revelation 6
Deuteronomy 9 Psalms 92-93 5th Isaiah 37 Revelation 7
Deuteronomy 10 Psalms 94 6th Isaiah 38 Revelation 8
Deuteronomy 11 Psalms 95-96 7th Isaiah 39 Revelation 9
Deuteronomy 12 Psalms 97-98 8th Isaiah 40 Revelation 10
Deuteronomy 13-14 Psalms 99-101 9th Isaiah 41 Revelation 11
Deuteronomy 15 Psalms 102 10th Isaiah 42 Revelation 12
Deuteronomy 16 Psalms 103 11th Isaiah 43 Revelation 13
Deuteronomy 17 Psalms 104 12th Isaiah 44 Revelation 14
Deuteronomy 18 Psalms 105 13th Isaiah 45 Revelation 15
Deuteronomy 19 Psalms 106 14th Isaiah 46 Revelation 16
Deuteronomy 20 Psalms 107 15th Isaiah 47 Revelation 17
Deuteronomy 21 Psalms 108-109 16th Isaiah 48 Revelation 18
Deuteronomy 22 Psalms 110-111 17th Isaiah 49 Revelation 19
Deuteronomy 23 Psalms 112-113 18th Isaiah 50 Revelation 20
Deuteronomy 24 Psalms 114-115 19th Isaiah 51 Revelation 21
Deuteronomy 25 Psalms 116 20th Isaiah 52 Revelation 22
Deuteronomy 26 Psalms 117-118 21st Isaiah 53 Matthew 1
Deuteronomy 27-28:19 Psalms 119:1-24 22nd Isaiah 54 Matthew 2
Deuteronomy 28:20ff Psalms 119:25-48 23rd Isaiah 55 Matthew 3
Deuteronomy 29 Psalms 119:49-72 24th Isaiah 56 Matthew 4
Deuteronomy 30 Psalms 119:73-96 25th Isaiah 57 Matthew 5
Deuteronomy 31 Psalms 119:97-120 26th Isaiah 58 Matthew 6
Deuteronomy 32 Psalms 119:121-144 27th Isaiah 59 Matthew 7
Deuteronomy 33-34 Psalms 119:145-176 28th Isaiah 60 Matthew 8
Joshua 1 Psalms 120-122 29th Isaiah 61 Matthew 9
Joshua 2 Psalms 123-125 30th Isaiah 62 Matthew 10

They received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily.
Family . Secret
Joshua 3 Psalms 126-128 1st Isaiah 63 Matthew 11
Joshua 4 Psalms 129-131 2nd Isaiah 64 Matthew 12
Joshua 5-6:5 Psalms 132-134 3rd Isaiah 65 Matthew 13
Joshua 6:6ff Psalms 135-136 4th Isaiah 66 Matthew 14
Joshua 7 Psalms 137-138 5th Jeremiah 1 Matthew 15
Joshua 8 Psalms 139 6th Jeremiah 2 Matthew 16
Joshua 9 Psalms 140-141 7th Jeremiah 3 Matthew 17
Joshua 10 Psalms 142-143 8th Jeremiah 4 Matthew 18
Joshua 11 Psalms 144 9th Jeremiah 5 Matthew 19
Joshua 12-13 Psalms 145 10th Jeremiah 6 Matthew 20
Joshua 14-15 Psalms 146-147 11th Jeremiah 7 Matthew 21
Joshua 16-17 Psalms 148 12th Jeremiah 8 Matthew 22
Joshua 18-19 Psalms 149-150 13th Jeremiah 9 Matthew 23
Joshua 20-21 Acts 1 14th Jeremiah 10 Matthew 24
Joshua 22 Acts 2 15th Jeremiah 11 Matthew 25
Joshua 23 Acts 3 16th Jeremiah 12 Matthew 26
Joshua 24 Acts 4 17th Jeremiah 13 Matthew 27
Judges 1 Acts 5 18th Jeremiah 14 Matthew 28
Judges 2 Acts 6 19th Jeremiah 15 Mark 1
Judges 3 Acts 7 20th Jeremiah 16 Mark 2
Judges 4 Acts 8 21st Jeremiah 17 Mark 3
Judges 5 Acts 9 22nd Jeremiah 18 Mark 4
Judges 6 Acts 10 23rd Jeremiah 19 Mark 5
Judges 7 Acts 11 24th Jeremiah 20 Mark 6
Judges 8 Acts 12 25th Jeremiah 21 Mark 7
Judges 9 Acts 13 26th Jeremiah 22 Mark 8
Judges 10-11:11 Acts 14 27th Jeremiah 23 Mark 9
Judges 11:12ff Acts 15 28th Jeremiah 24 Mark 10
Judges 12 Acts 16 29th Jeremiah 25 Mark 11
Judges 13 Acts 17 30th Jeremiah 26 Mark 12
Judges 14 Acts 18 31st Jeremiah 27 Mark 13

Speak, Lord! for thy servant heareth.
Family . Secret
Judges 15 Acts 19 1st Jeremiah 28 Mark 14
Judges 16 Acts 20 2nd Jeremiah 29 Mark 15
Judges 17 Acts 21 3rd Jeremiah 30-31 Mark 16
Judges 18 Acts 22 4th Jeremiah 32 Psalms 1-2
Judges 19 Acts 23 5th Jeremiah 33 Psalms 3-4
Judges 20 Acts 24 6th Jeremiah 34 Psalms 5-6
Judges 21 Acts 25 7th Jeremiah 35 Psalms 7-8
Ruth 1 Acts 26 8th Jeremiah 36 & 45 Psalms 9
Ruth 2 Acts 27 9th Jeremiah 37 Psalms 10
Ruth 3-4 Acts 28 10th Jeremiah 38 Psalms 11-12
1 Samuel 1 Romans 1 11th Jeremiah 39 Psalms 13-14
1 Samuel 2 Romans 2 12th Jeremiah 40 Psalms 15-16
1 Samuel 3 Romans 3 13th Jeremiah 41 Psalms 17
1 Samuel 4 Romans 4 14th Jeremiah 42 Psalms 18
1 Samuel 5-6 Romans 5 15th Jeremiah 43 Psalms 19
1 Samuel 7-8 Romans 6 16th Jeremiah 44 Psalms 20-21
1 Samuel 9 Romans 7 17th Jeremiah 46 Psalms 22
1 Samuel 10 Romans 8 18th Jeremiah 47 Psalms 23-24
1 Samuel 11 Romans 9 19th Jeremiah 48 Psalms 25
1 Samuel 12 Romans 10 20th Jeremiah 49 Psalms 26-27
1 Samuel 13 Romans 11 21st Jeremiah 50 Psalms 28-29
1 Samuel 14 Romans 12 22nd Jeremiah 51 Psalms 30
1 Samuel 15 Romans 13 23rd Jeremiah 52 Psalms 31
1 Samuel 16 Romans 14 24th Lamentations 1 Psalms 32
1 Samuel 17 Romans 15 25th Lamentations 2 Psalms 33
1 Samuel 18 Romans 16 26th Lamentations 3 Psalms 34
1 Samuel 19 1 Corinthians 1 27th Lamentations 4 Psalms 35
1 Samuel 20 1 Corinthians 2 28th Lamentations 5 Psalms 36
1 Samuel 21-22 1 Corinthians 3 29th Ezekiel 1 Psalms 37
1 Samuel 23 1 Corinthians 4 30th Ezekiel 2 Psalms 38
1 Samuel 24 1 Corinthians 5 31st Ezekiel 3 Psalms 39

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
Family . Secret
1 Samuel 25 1 Corinthians 6 1st Ezekiel 4 Psalms 40-41
1 Samuel 26 1 Corinthians 7 2nd Ezekiel 5 Psalms 42-43
1 Samuel 27 1 Corinthians 8 3rd Ezekiel 6 Psalms 44
1 Samuel 28 1 Corinthians 9 4th Ezekiel 7 Psalms 45
1 Samuel 29-30 1 Corinthians 10 5th Ezekiel 8 Psalms 46-47
1 Samuel 31 1 Corinthians 11 6th Ezekiel 9 Psalms 48
2 Samuel 1 1 Corinthians 12 7th Ezekiel 10 Psalms 49
2 Samuel 2 1 Corinthians 13 8th Ezekiel 11 Psalms 50
2 Samuel 3 1 Corinthians 14 9th Ezekiel 12 Psalms 51
2 Samuel 4-5 1 Corinthians 15 10th Ezekiel 13 Psalms 52-54
2 Samuel 6 1 Corinthians 16 11th Ezekiel 14 Psalms 55
2 Samuel 7 2 Corinthians 1 12th Ezekiel 15 Psalms 56-57
2 Samuel 8-9 2 Corinthians 2 13th Ezekiel 16 Psalms 58-59
2 Samuel 10 2 Corinthians 3 14th Ezekiel 17 Psalms 60-61
2 Samuel 11 2 Corinthians 4 15th Ezekiel 18 Psalms 62-63
2 Samuel 12 2 Corinthians 5 16th Ezekiel 19 Psalms 64-65
2 Samuel 13 2 Corinthians 6 17th Ezekiel 20 Psalms 66-67
2 Samuel 14 2 Corinthians 7 18th Ezekiel 21 Psalms 68
2 Samuel 15 2 Corinthians 8 19th Ezekiel 22 Psalms 69
2 Samuel 16 2 Corinthians 9 20th Ezekiel 23 Psalms 70-71
2 Samuel 17 2 Corinthians 10 21st Ezekiel 24 Psalms 72
2 Samuel 18 2 Corinthians 11 22nd Ezekiel 25 Psalms 73
2 Samuel 19 2 Corinthians 12 23rd Ezekiel 26 Psalms 74
2 Samuel 20 2 Corinthians 13 24th Ezekiel 27 Psalms 75-76
2 Samuel 21 Galatians 1 25th Ezekiel 28 Psalms 77
2 Samuel 22 Galatians 2 26th Ezekiel 29 Psalms 78:1-37
2 Samuel 23 Galatians 3 27th Ezekiel 30 Psalms 78:38ff
2 Samuel 24 Galatians 4 28th Ezekiel 31 Psalms 79
1 Kings 1 Galatians 5 29th Ezekiel 32 Psalms 80
1 Kings 2 Galatians 6 30th Ezekiel 33 Psalms 81-82

O! how I love thy law; it is my meditation all the day.
Family . Secret
1 Kings 3 Ephesians 1 1st Ezekiel 34 Psalms 83-84
1 Kings 4-5 Ephesians 2 2nd Ezekiel 35 Psalms 85
1 Kings 6 Ephesians 3 3rd Ezekiel 36 Psalms 86
1 Kings 7 Ephesians 4 4th Ezekiel 37 Psalms 87-88
1 Kings 8 Ephesians 5 5th Ezekiel 38 Psalms 89
1 Kings 9 Ephesians 6 6th Ezekiel 39 Psalms 90
1 Kings 10 Philippians 1 7th Ezekiel 40 Psalms 91
1 Kings 11 Philippians 2 8th Ezekiel 41 Psalms 92-93
1 Kings 12 Philippians 3 9th Ezekiel 42 Psalms 94
1 Kings 13 Philippians 4 10th Ezekiel 43 Psalms 95-96
1 Kings 14 Colossians 1 11th Ezekiel 44 Psalms 97-98
1 Kings 15 Colossians 2 12th Ezekiel 45 Psalms 99-101
1 Kings 16 Colossians 3 13th Ezekiel 46 Psalms 102
1 Kings 17 Colossians 4 14th Ezekiel 47 Psalms 103
1 Kings 18 1 Thessalonians 1 15th Ezekiel 48 Psalms 104
1 Kings 19 1 Thessalonians 2 16th Daniel 1 Psalms 105
1 Kings 20 1 Thessalonians 3 17th Daniel 2 Psalms 106
1 Kings 21 1 Thessalonians 4 18th Daniel 3 Psalms 107
1 Kings 22 1 Thessalonians 5 19th Daniel 4 Psalms 108-109
2 Kings 1 2 Thessalonians 1 20th Daniel 5 Psalms 110-111
2 Kings 2 2 Thessalonians 2 21st Daniel 6 Psalms 112-113
2 Kings 3 2 Thessalonians 3 22nd Daniel 7 Psalms 114-115
2 Kings 4 1 Timothy 1 23rd Daniel 8 Psalms 116
2 Kings 5 1 Timothy 2 24th Daniel 9 Psalms 117-118
2 Kings 6 1 Timothy 3 25th Daniel 10 Psalms 119:1-24
2 Kings 7 1 Timothy 4 26th Daniel 11 Psalms 119:25-48
2 Kings 8 1 Timothy 5 27th Daniel 12 Psalms 119:49-72
2 Kings 9 1 Timothy 6 28th Hosea 1 Psalms 119:73-96
2 Kings 10 2 Timothy 1 29th Hosea 2 Psalms 119:97-120
2 Kings 11-12 2 Timothy 2 30th Hosea 3-4 Psalms 119:121-144
2 Kings 13 2 Timothy 3 31st Hosea 5-6 Psalms 119:145-176

As new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.
Family . Secret
2 Kings 14 2 Timothy 4 1st Hosea 7 Psalms 120-122
2 Kings 15 Titus 1 2nd Hosea 8 Psalms 123-125
2 Kings 16 Titus 2 3rd Hosea 9 Psalms 126-128
2 Kings 17 Titus 3 4th Hosea 10 Psalms 129-131
2 Kings 18 Philemon 1 5th Hosea 11 Psalms 132-134
2 Kings 19 Hebrews 1 6th Hosea 12 Psalms 135-136
2 Kings 20 Hebrews 2 7th Hosea 13 Psalms 137-138
2 Kings 21 Hebrews 3 8th Hosea 14 Psalms 139
2 Kings 22 Hebrews 4 9th Joel 1 Psalms 140-141
2 Kings 23 Hebrews 5 10th Joel 2 Psalms 142
2 Kings 24 Hebrews 6 11th Joel 3 Psalms 143
2 Kings 25 Hebrews 7 12th Amos 1 Psalms 144
1 Chronicles 1-2 Hebrews 8 13th Amos 2 Psalms 145
1 Chronicles 3-4 Hebrews 9 14th Amos 3 Psalms 146-147
1 Chronicles 5-6 Hebrews 10 15th Amos 4 Psalms 148-150
1 Chronicles 7-8 Hebrews 11 16th Amos 5 Luke 1:1-38
1 Chronicles 9-10 Hebrews 12 17th Amos 6 Luke 1:39ff
1 Chronicles 11-12 Hebrews 13 18th Amos 7 Luke 2
1 Chronicles 13-14 James 1 19th Amos 8 Luke 3
1 Chronicles 15 James 2 20th Amos 9 Luke 4
1 Chronicles 16 James 3 21st Obadiah 1 Luke 5
1 Chronicles 17 James 4 22nd Jonah 1 Luke 6
1 Chronicles 18 James 5 23rd Jonah 2 Luke 7
1 Chronicles 19-20 1 Peter 1 24th Jonah 3 Luke 8
1 Chronicles 21 1 Peter 2 25th Jonah 4 Luke 9
1 Chronicles 22 1 Peter 3 26th Micah 1 Luke 10
1 Chronicles 23 1 Peter 4 27th Micah 2 Luke 11
1 Chronicles 24-25 1 Peter 5 28th Micah 3 Luke 12
1 Chronicles 26-27 2 Peter 1 29th Micah 4 Luke 13
1 Chronicles 28 2 Peter 2 30th Micah 5 Luke 14

The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
Family . Secret
1 Chronicles 29 2 Peter 3 1st Micah 6 Luke 15
2 Chronicles 1 1 John 1 2nd Micah 7 Luke 16
2 Chronicles 2 1 John 2 3rd Nahum 1 Luke 17
2 Chronicles 3-4 1 John 3 4th Nahum 2 Luke 18
2 Chronicles 5-6:11 1 John 4 5th Nahum 3 Luke 19
2 Chronicles 6:12ff 1 John 5 6th Habakkuk 1 Luke 20
2 Chronicles 7 2 John 1 7th Habakkuk 2 Luke 21
2 Chronicles 8 3 John 1 8th Habakkuk 3 Luke 22
2 Chronicles 9 Jude 1 9th Zephaniah 1 Luke 23
2 Chronicles 10 Revelation 1 10th Zephaniah 2 Luke 24
2 Chronicles 11-12 Revelation 2 11th Zephaniah 3 John 1
2 Chronicles 13 Revelation 3 12th Haggai 1 John 2
2 Chronicles 14-15 Revelation 4 13th Haggai 2 John 3
2 Chronicles 16 Revelation 5 14th Zechariah 1 John 4
2 Chronicles 17 Revelation 6 15th Zechariah 2 John 5
2 Chronicles 18 Revelation 7 16th Zechariah 3 John 6
2 Chronicles 19-20 Revelation 8 17th Zechariah 4 John 7
2 Chronicles 21 Revelation 9 18th Zechariah 5 John 8
2 Chronicles 22-23 Revelation 10 19th Zechariah 6 John 9
2 Chronicles 24 Revelation 11 20th Zechariah 7 John 10
2 Chronicles 25 Revelation 12 21st Zechariah 8 John 11
2 Chronicles 26 Revelation 13 22nd Zechariah 9 John 12
2 Chronicles 27-28 Revelation 14 23rd Zechariah 10 John 13
2 Chronicles 29 Revelation 15 24th Zechariah 11 John 14
2 Chronicles 30 Revelation 16 25th Zechariah 12-13:1 John 15
2 Chronicles 31 Revelation 17 26th Zechariah 13:2ff John 16
2 Chronicles 32 Revelation 18 27th Zechariah 14 John 17
2 Chronicles 33 Revelation 19 28th Malachi 1 John 18
2 Chronicles 34 Revelation 20 29th Malachi 2 John 19
2 Chronicles 35 Revelation 21 30th Malachi 3 John 20
2 Chronicles 36 Revelation 22 31st Malachi 4 John 21

© 2001 Ben and Karen  Beilharz