Piper: Don’t Waste Your Life

John Piper is a contemporary though now retired “pastor” and writer.  He has written several books using a template title of “Don’t Waste X” where X is “Your Cancer,” or our interest here, “Your Life,” etc.

Pipe has graciously made freely available his Don’t Waste Your Life book even though it is also sold in various printed or e-book forms, as it is still governed by copyright laws.

His freely available book Don’t Waste Your Life can be found here.

The chapters of this book are as follows below, and derive from his lifelong quest of harmonizing a person’s natural search for “happiness” with a serious Christian’s perspective of expressing a life honoring God.  Piper’s central point is that not only are these two aspirations not in conflict, but that the one makes possible, truly, the other.

Preface, p. 9

1  My Search for a Single Passion to Live By, p. 11
2  Breakthrough—the Beauty of Christ, My Joy,  23
3  Boasting Only in the Cross, The Blazing Center of the Glory of God, 43
4  Magnifying Christ Through Pain and Death, 61
5  Risk Is Right—Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It, 79
6  The Goal of Life—Gladly Making Others Glad in God, 99
7  Living to Prove He Is More Precious Than Life, 107
8  Making Much of Christ from 8 to 5,  131
9  The Majesty of Christ in Missions and Mercy— A Plea to This Generation, 155
10  My Prayer—Let None Say in the End,  “I’ve Wasted It,” 183

Desiring God Ministries, 191